Plant a seed/Get cooking!

This web site is an attempt to bring together a variety of my passions: lessening my impact on our Earth, gardening, cooking, photography, web development, teaching, learning, sharing, and entrepreneurism.

I hope this will be a resource where you can:

  • Find out about Iowa farmers and purchase from them
  • Discover restaurants that serve seasonal, locally produced food
  • Find seasonal recipes
  • Learn from my successes and failures growing food as locally as it can get (our backyard)

Check back soon for posts on these subjects: 

  • Why Think Global Eat Local? What does it mean?
  • Why start with a blog?
  • Big plans, future phases

Contact me at to be added to our email list to be notified of changes.  Subscribe to our our RSS feed which will be coming soon.

Thanks for visiting!

2 Responses to “Plant a seed/Get cooking!”

  1. brandon Says:

    I also plan to include stories on how people are building and improving their communities through food.

  2. Android tablet PC Says:

    Android tablet PC…

    Think Global Eat Local » Blog Archive » Plant a seed/Get cooking!…

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