Why Think Global Eat Local?

  • Taste. Local food is fresher and tastes better than typical supermarket food that travels 1,500 miles to get to you.  Varieties that taste wonderful but don’t travel very well can be grown in your backyard or purchased from local farmers.
  • Environmentally Friendly. In season, local food is better for the environment, especially if it is also organic.  Less energy is used to transport it, less packaging is needed.
  • Healthy.  Incorporating a larger amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in your family’s diet is an excellent way to improve your family’s health.  Research is also showing the benefits of grass feed and naturally produced meats.
  • More Diversity.  Local farmer’s are likely growing a wider variety of cultivars than the standard ones larger commercial operations are growing.  More diversity in an ecological system reduces the risk that a whole segment of the biological community will be wiped out by insects, poor weather or a disease.
  • Food Security.  If terrorists blew up a major oil installation or some other event (look up peak oil) caused a dramatic cut to oil supplies (and a dramatic increase in oil prices), wouldn’t you like to have a lot of your food available closer to home?
  • Local Economy.  Spending your food dollars close to home will help your local neighbors and those dollars will be closer to flowing back to your pocket.
  • Exciting. Trying new varieties and new foods is fun and exciting.

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